How To Fix White Page Error in Elementor | Guide with Images

You can fix the White Page Error in Elementor following these 4 steps in your WordPress dashboard.

1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and from the left side menu click on Elementor and then click on Settings.

2. Once the Elementor settings page opens, you will see 3 tabs. Click on the tab labeled “Advanced”.

3. There you will see a toggle for an option called “Switch editor loader method”. Change that from “disabled” to “enabled” then click save changes.

4. Finally, go back to the page you were trying to edit and click”edit with Elementor” this time the page should load properly.

Some hosting companies don’t play too nice with Elementor and this can cause a variety of errors. One of the most common ones is one I call the “White page error” this is when everything looks like it should would correctly but when you click “edit with Elementor” the page builder Elementor launches but the page stays on an empty white screen. Here is how to can fix it.

I created this video on youtube with over 18,000 views that has helped hundreds of people Fix the White Page Error in Elementor. Follow along and your Elementor will be up and running in under a minute.

How do I know if I have a white page error

If your page loads fine most of the time but is coming up blank like this when you try to use Elementor, it’s likely that the loader method is what is causing the problem. If this is happening to you then you have the white page error.

How To Fix White Page Error in Elementor - Step One

Where to find Elementor’s settings

If you click on the top left of your WordPress dashboard you should see the back end of your site. Elementor is normally near the middle of the menu for easy access. If you can’t find it you can try hitting “Command+f” on a Mac or “Ctrl+f” on a PC. This will let you search the page for the text “Elementor”.

How To Fix White Page Error in Elementor - step two

Choose the correct setting

When you open the Elementor settings, Click on the tab called “advanced” this tab has the “switch editor loader method” option that we need to modify for Elementor to work.

Go ahead and enable the switch editor loader method. This will change the way Elementor loads to a way that will work with your hosting company. In my experience, this happens mostly with GoDaddy hosting. Most of the time, if Elementor is not working with Godaddy doing this, will fix it.

How To Fix White Page Error in Elementor - step three

Checking that it’s fixed

After you have made the change and saved it you need to confirm it worked. You can double check that the issue has been fixed by going to “pages” from your WordPress menu and clicking “edit with Elementor” on any page. If you see the Elementor toolbox open on the left side of your screen it means it worked and you are ready to start using Elementor on your website.

How To Fix White Page Error in Elementor - step 4

What if Elementor is still not loading?

There have been a few people that have let me know that their Elementor still would not load after trying this. My best recommendation is that most likely something else is causing the error. You can see a list of possible errors and how to fix them in Elementor’s knowledge base here. In my experience following these steps fixes the white page error 99% of the time. Once your website is up and running you are going to want to make sure it loads fast. In this article, I show you how to optimize your website image without any extra software.

I hope that after reading this article your Elementor is up and running smoothly. Now go build an amazing website!